Clerestory Lodge


The Founders

The following were the principal Founders of Clerestory Lodge.

The Lodge occasionally performs a moving ceremony to recognise its Founders who created the Lodge we know today.

  • Joseph Leonard GAMGEE was one of originators of Clerestory Lodge.  He had been Master of the Midland, Oxford and South-Eastern Bar Lodge, No. 2716, [London] (1938).  Joseph was a barrister with considerable private means and an individualist, he could be a difficult man to work with and was somewhat unpredictable.  A file of papers and correspondence has been preserved which shows that he, together with W.Bro. Paul Smith, (G.P.B.S.) were real prime movers in the Lodge’s formation.  He is remembered as being rather absent-minded.  He became a Country Member in 1962 and resigned in 1969.
  • William Collin BROOKS was a journalist and an author.  He is remembered as a charming man who, though obviously a man of stature, was friendly to all without condescension.  He was a stabilising influence in a Lodge, which occasionally needed it.  He died in 1959.
  • Herbert Arthur Charlie STURGESS. M.V.O was the Librarian of the Middle Temple and for his services in that capacity was honoured with Membership of the Royal Victorian Order.  He too is remembered as a charming man full of anecdotes about events and people.  He became a Country Member in 1957, resigned in 1962 and died two months later in February 1963.
  • Norman Henry OLIVER was Master of the Tuscan Lodge, No. 14, [London] (1931), and a Past Grand Steward.  He qualified as a Doctor of Medicine and a Doctor of Law.  He was a most friendly and companionable man who seemed to find great pleasure in Clerestory Lodge and typically left a legacy to the Lodge to be used for a party.  This legacy was invested and used for many years to supplement the drinks at Installations but as the price of drinks increased this practice ceased.  If there were a good port at the Jubilee Meeting, Norman would have approved of that!  He became a Country Member in 1962 and died in 1963.
  • Frederick Bernard SMITH was a solicitor and was Master of Cholmeley Lodge, No. 1731. (1935), [Warrant Surrendered] and the father of W. Bro. G. Paul B. Smith.  Fred first thought of the name “Clerestory” (see Section 5 below). In a letter to Paul, (his son) dated 11th. October 1946, he is recorded as saying “What think you of Clerestory for a name?” The only reference in Masonry to a window is a Dormer but Smith notes that the Clerestory “… was the means of admitting God’s light to God’s house”.
  • George Paterson GLANFIELD was a barrister and a Master of St. Mary Magdalen Lodge, No. 1523. [London] (1930).  He held the office of Treasurer, but his health deteriorated, and his memory began to fail.  He died in 1950.
  • George Paul Bernard SMITH M.B.E. was also previously Master of Cholmeley Lodge, No. 1731, (1944). [Warrant Surrendered].  He was the foundation Secretary of the Lodge and continued to hold that office for several years.  A stalwart in every sense but inclined to be astringent in his dealings with the younger members and even, on occasion, with a reigning Master.  When in the 1970’s, the Lodge was in danger of collapsing through the lack of recruits, he brought in new blood from the Berkshire area, where he lived in retirement, and this undoubtedly preserved it.  Smith ultimately received Senior London Grand Rank, which is a unique honour for Clerestory Lodge. He received the M.B.E. for party political services.  He died in November 1987.
  • The Revd. Everett George TURNER was the Master of the Wellesley Lodge, No. 1899.  (1919) [Province of Berkshire].  He has also served as Assistant Grand Chaplain, (1936); and Past Grand Chaplain, (1950).  He served some years as Chaplain to Clerestory Lodge.  In 1955, Honorary Membership was conferred on him.  He died in 1978.
  • Thomas Edmund Alexander STOWELL. C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.S. was Master of the Cornubian Lodge, No. 450 at Hayle, [Province of Cornwall] (1923); Senior Grand Deacon, (1949); also, a Cheshire Freemason who held Past Provincial Grand Rank.  He was a surgeon with an active practice in London.  He was elected an Honorary Member of this Lodge (1964) and died in 1970.
  • Richard Francis LEVY. K.C., was Master of the Sir Francis Burdett Lodge, No. 1503, (1928) [Province of Middlesex].  Richard was a very eminent silk. He resigned in 1953 and died in 1968.
  • James Arthur Waley COHEN was the Master of the St. Margaret Westminster Lodge, No. 4518 (1945) [London].  He was a book reviewer and a member of the famous London family.  He became a Country Member (1956) and died in 1962.
  • Roland Thomas SMITH was also a Master of the St. Margaret Westminster Lodge, No. 4518 (1930) [London] and was a member of the Magic Circle.  He died in 1959.
  • Elliot Marcel GORST. K.C., was Master of the Northern Bar Lodge, No. 1610 (1935) [London].  His membership of Clerestory was only a short one, as he resigned in December 1948.  He was appointed Assistant Grand Registrar in 1950 and died in 1973.
  • The Revd. Canon William Eyre Preston ARCHDALL was Master of the Jerusalem Lodge. No.197 (1933) [London].  He was Grand Chaplain, (1936). and was the first Chaplain of Clerestory.  He resigned in 1950 and was elected an Honorary Member. He died in 1955.
  • James Malcolm MILNE was a barrister and Master of the Midland Oxford and South-Eastern Bar Lodge, No. 2716 [Warrant Surrendered].  James was Clerestory’s Treasurer for several years in the 1950’s.  He died in 1976.
  • Leonard Warwick JAMES was the Master of the Old Marlburian Lodge, No. 3533 (1949) [London]; a member of the Middlesex Hospital Lodge, No. 2843 [Warrant surrendered].  His profession was a school headmaster and died in 1963.
  • Major John Wynne Aubrey MEREDITH was a Member of the Quetta Lodge, No. 2333, [Pakistan].  He was a regular Army Officer and was posted away from London.  He resigned (1950) and nothing further is known of him, although he is believed to have died in 1964.
  • Charles Gordon HUTCHINS was Master of the Tuscan Lodge, No. 14 (1946) [London]; Grand Steward, (1941-42) and (1953-53) and Senior Grand Deacon (1962).  He served many years on the Board of General Purposes and was Chairman of its Premises Committee. He was also on the Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls and lived almost opposite its main gates.  Described as an East India Broker, he was well-respected in the City.  He resigned (1985) after nearly 33 years membership, was elected an Honorary Member in 1986 and died in 1987.


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